What sort of utilisation rates do they get out of their people - and how much fee-earning time do the directors and partners rack up?
How do you know your cashflow is healthy?
Do you have too many staff compared to associates or freelancers?
Download our white paper today to find out whether your consultancy is normal.
And if you’re not there yet, we can help. We’ve worked out the key numbers, based on many years of running our own consultancies and observing others. We'll help you get there - and give you back precious time - using Metis software which bottles all the best practice.
A rapid tour, including real screens. See how Brighter PSA makes it easier to take better decisions now and in the future. Play the video below.
A concise overview of how Brighter PSA works, on the live system, in whatever time you have available, with one of our expert users. There's no obligation.